“LV Mehhatroonika abiga muutsime enda seemnevilja kuivati täis automaatseks. Lisaks on hea teada, et aasta kõige kiiremal ajal on kvaliteetne tehniline tugi lähedal olemas.”
“ LV Mehhatroonika tootmisprotsessidest arusaamine ja loogika olid esmaklassilised”
Asko Kuusalu
ProSystem OÜ
Factory service platforms
"LV Mehhatroonika’s approach was really professional. Accurate on-site preliminary work meant that all the machinery and the service platforms were delivered on time and could be installed exactly as planned."
Jyrki Tupala
Apetit Ruoka Oy
“Innovative and open-minded approach from LV Mehhatroonika helped us to make Serco’s products even more great.”